Innovation for Creation Blog

To BS or not to BS | Design Thinking Thoughts

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Natasha Jen had a bold and filter free view on the ridicules of the design process and its needs. Although she strongly feels designers already have background knowledge on using cartoons to enhance a children’s MRI scanning room, I must beg to differ. I understand her point, we do have a lot of knowledge of our own that we use to create, ideate and execute. I feel her understanding of the design process is inaccurate, hence the constant slams. The process can seem limiting or limitless, it is a basic outline/structure to be applied to problem solving in many forms. It is not a concrete five step one way process, it can be approached in many directions forwards, backwards and upside down with constant feedback, critique and re solving all the way through. Post it notes are a method of ideation, it is a common tool for brainstorming that truly works as a visual set up of instant plans and inspirations spitting out of a creators mind. These steps may or may not be applied to design, or may be heavily or barely applied, however the after product of thorough planning, research, surveying and exploration outside your own mind reflects a successful solution. How can we truly problem solve for the great diverse society without steering away from our own personal knowledge and opinions? The process highlights key facts in setting up a sturdy framework behind the final product.

Farzanah Allinoor