Innovation for Creation Blog

Finishing Lines

The frantic search of digging through your drawers for perfectly matching socks very much relates to the creation of a portfolio collection. One piece must complement, contrast and speak uniquely to the rest of the outfit. Yet each component must not be less than the other, non shall overpower another? What will bring down the rest of the outfit? What will contradict the rest of your emerging style?

I find that even in my last and final two projects of my undergraduate degree ever, I still madly run marathons in search for my own unique style through varieties of experimentation. The strength in diversity within works, talents, projects and skillsets never fail to impress. The complete and harmonious compilation of a portfolio is your living testament, your documented trophies of some sort. It was enjoyable scrambling through past works to prep, mock up and dress neatly for their debut in the portfolio showcase of all time. But the most satisfying feeling I have recently discovered is completing and adding most recent projects and reminiscing upon your learning journey and evolution as a young designer.

Farzanah Allinoor