Innovation for Creation Blog

To infinity, and beyond

The last week of my graphic design degree at the Vancouver Island University is quite a milestone. Its those last few group chats, lectures and feedback workshops that don’t just prepare you for the next class, but the great real world of the design industry. I would like to reflect closely on the evolution of my branding identity. From birth to its growing stages and current spotlight, the designs behind Farzanah Allinoor are represented through this very symbol. The ideas, visual stories and symbolic messages that pour out of your heart and soul during creative sessions are all my brand. I want to use my illustrative and graphic design talents to speak loudly, creating movements, missions and narratives all across the world. I want to continuously build off the diversity of society in enriching my works to grow with me, as my voice. The creation of the logo, Farzanah Allinoor, encompasses the very growth of this young designer/doodler/daydreaming scribbler right here.

Farzanah Allinoor